Tuesday, September 27, 2005

homework /class tonite

hi all,
since i haven't received anything from anyone, i assume people didn't understand my request to send the completed homework via email.
tonite we will first meet in the mac lab and go through the homework as well as spend much time working in max/msp on basic audio principals. Therefore, I will alleviate your fear of getting more lecture material from me until next week...:)


Monday, September 26, 2005

stupid comments history

hi all,
I changed the blog so that only members of the blog can comment. That should end the stupidity of people who have no lives and want to include pointless (and not very interesting at that) comments!


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Hypersonic Effect of High Frequency Components beyond the range of human hearing

this is to answer Yannick's question about why we should be worried about High Frequency partials if they are beyond the range of human hearing. I didn't give
an adequate explanation so I did a quick lit survey:


Check this out...particularly looking at how high frequency components have been known to affect brain electrical activity and blood flow...perceived yet not heard...same
with infrasonic frequencies.



here's an interesting resource that i stumbled on.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Department fees

Question: does anyone know where we can pay our lab fees and dep' fees in the new building?
it used be in the art supply store in the VA, is it still there?

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Readers are In

Hi All,
The readers should be available today at Mich Sardella's office after 2:00 PM.
The deal was last year that if you paid your lab fees that should cover the cost of the reader. If you haven't, talk with Mich about this.

Her office is EV-6771

Happy Reading!


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Topics for Next Week

Hi All,
Great discussion this evening. The topics about the interiority versus exteriority of sound, the phenomenological questions of listener versus source, the construction of the subject and the senses of that subject are topics which we will continue to
focus on over the course of the semester.Glad to see the interest bubbling up...

Don't fret about the last 30 minutes tonite...I will spend a thorough amount of time next week (both inside and outside of the Mac Lab) going over the material that I still haven't gotten to. I will attempt to discuss it first from a acoustic point of view (i.e., listening) and then we can break things down intothe lower level math behind it. If you are interested in brushing up (there are many sources online),
the topics we will cover include:
Sinusoidals (phase, amplitude-magnitude, period, frequency), superposition/addition of sinusoidals, beats, a brief sketch of fourier analysis (decomposing complex sounds into a sum of sinusoidals), time versus frequency domains and finall, sampling fundamentals (nyquist theorem, aliasing, folding). I will also introduce complex numbers as a way of
manipulating sinusoidals.
This will take 2 hours and then we will break and go to the Mac lab and test these things out as we start to make our way around Max/MSP.

I will post on the blog an announcement when the readers are completed tomorrow...then you can pick them up from mich sardella.


Monday, September 12, 2005

Simple Harmonic Motion_the nasty math

Hi All,
I will briefly cover simple harmonic motion tomorrow in class but I will spare one and all the math proving why sinusoidals (remember, x(t) = Acos(wt + phi) result from such periodic, oscillatory phenomena. For those who are curious, there is a great site explaning in detail the math (not too hard but you have to remember the difference between first and second derivatives). It is http://www.mcasco.com/p1vib.html (on vibration).

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Synthetic Sound and Image (Audio-Vision)-Readings Week II

Hi all,
I've got the blog for CART352 up and running. Feel free to post here. We've run into a couple of copyright issues with the reader (too much from several sources) so the readers are being delayed till this coming Wednesday. Therefore, I've scanned and PDF'ed the first set (Jonathan Sterne and Max Matthews). The scans are not great but they are legible.
I'll be sending them as email attachments shortly.
I'll also post some questions for everyone to think about for Tuesday's class.